Forming the Bridge hand
Formation of a firm bridge hand is a very important part of your technique, we are building it to support the cue, on it's line of aim.
Your bridge hand should be between 8-12 inches away from the cue ball, depending on the kind of shot.
A good bridge is one with with all the fingers well spread, and the thumb well cocked, to give a good channel or grove. The thumb is pressed tight against the first finger, this will give you a superb grove for the cue to slide through.
Like in Photo 1.1
But in Photo 1.2 The thumb is too low.
Make sure you grip the cloth with all your fingers and always drop your bridge hand for screw shots and raise your hand for top-spin shots.
Common Faults
The bridge hand bunched together
No grip on the cloth with bridge fingers
Thumb badly cocked
Bridging too far away from the cue ball.